Torah Mantle

When you want to tell a story or want to personalize the Torah mantle to your synagogue or camp or family, let us help.

This is how we started. We used photos and text to create a Torah mantle to tell a story about the life of the person in whose name the Torah was being dedicated. The woman whose story we wanted to tell with this Torah mantle was liberated from Auschwitz by American troops. She moved to Israel and after living there for many years had to move to America where she raised her family - always with a yearning in her heart to return to Israel. Her amazing story will continue this summer as she makes aliyah with her family at the age of 91.

How do you tell that story? We started with an image of her grandson walking out of Auschwitz with his March of the Living group carrying Israeli flags. The second image is of the priestly blessing to the worshipers at the Western Wall in Jerusalem during one of the pilgrimage festivals. The dedication is superimposed on an Israeli flag. The background of the mantle front and back is of stones from the Western Wall.

Photos are not the only option! There may be a graphic image that is appropriate, a certain text. There is no per letter or per image charge! Click on the Torah mantle to the left to see a larger image as well as another design that was commissioned. Ashkenazic and Sephardic styles are available. To get started, click here.

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The challah cover was perfect!  My parents get so many compliments on it and they love seeing the pictures of the grandkids every shabbes.  It's not the same as being there, but it's close!  Thank you!
D.E., Israel